How to use Anywhere SCADA

Getting Started

To get started with Anywhere SCADA, simply email us at!


We’ll set you up with an account that grants you access to create spaces in our environment. A space is an isolated mountpoint on our clustered, highly available MQTT broker with a data aggregator, called Mantle, which logs all data published to the mountpoint and handles the delivery of data to all external applications.

Any device with internet access capable of publishing data to MQTT can use the public endpoint, username, and password of the mountpoint to deliver data to AnywhereSCADA. The best experience is with edge devices that follow the Sparkplug B specification. Tentacle, our software PLC, and Squid, our edge monitor and secure remote access orchestrator, both part of Project Kraken, are good examples of clients that support Sparkplug B.

A space looks like this:

Anywhere SCADA Demo

ID: cazhzdbn

Client ID
apps = Group
record-circle-outline = Node
nas = Device

apps test

Your Applications

With AnywhereSCADA, you’ll build custom web applications to visualize process data and send commands to your field equipment. You’ll be able to create something like this:

We’ll set up a private Github repository dedicated to your applications. You and your team will have full access to the repository for complete control over building and modifying your application, whether you have developers on your team, have Joy Automation develop it, or both!

We’ll use Github Actions for Continuous Integration, which will automatically run tests before pushing to production. Github Actions will also handle Continuous Deployment, automatically publishing changes to the Anywhere SCADA infrastructure when pushing to your production branch. Your cloud applications will run in our clustered Kubernetes environment, which ensures high availability, public access, and encryption of your application.

Your edge applications, including edge user interface applications and Tentacle PLC programs, will also reside in these repositories and, with appropriate internet access, can be continuously deployed to your edge infrastructure as well.


We’ll create a dedicated channel for you on our Discord server where you can chat with us for design, development, feature requests, and support. While you may message us anytime, please understand that our staff may only respond during our regular business hours (9 AM - 5 PM PST Monday to Friday excluding holidays).

For projects where we are participating in development, we’ll use Github Issues for reporting and tracking feature requests or issues.

Pricing & Payment

$200per man-hour

8 man-hours per month minimum for the first 20 MQTT Clients

+ 1 man-hour per month minimum for every additional 20 MQTT Clients

A man-hour is an hour for one member of Joy Automation’s staff used for design, development, or support of your specific application. Hours spent on infrastructure or features common to all customers will not count toward your man-hours.

You’ll be invoiced on the first of each month for the minimum man-hours, based on the maximum number of devices connected to our MQTT Broker, plus the number of additional man-hours spent within the previous month.

Joy Automation can also procure hardware and third-party software licenses in some circumstances. In these cases, we’ll provide an estimate and invoice as required.